Thursday, May 26, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Writing A News Lead (or Lede)
Two parents get executed because of delivering atomic-bomb secrets to the Soviet Union and it affects their two sons.
Two brothers.
Their parents were spies and were executed.
Sing Sing
For delivering atomic-bomb secrets to the Soviet Union.
By being spies.
A man sells his comic book that can be sold for as much as $400,00.
Fisher, talking for the owner of the comic book.
Superman comic book in auction.
June 1938- when the comic book was selling for 10 cents.
Dont know.
Get money?
An Auction.
Two brothers.
Their parents were spies and were executed.
Sing Sing
For delivering atomic-bomb secrets to the Soviet Union.
By being spies.
A man sells his comic book that can be sold for as much as $400,00.
Fisher, talking for the owner of the comic book.
Superman comic book in auction.
June 1938- when the comic book was selling for 10 cents.
Dont know.
Get money?
An Auction.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Architecture Preview
I think this picture falls under the catagory of surroundings because as you can see it is located around a road (the moving car lights). As you can see cars drive around it.
Angles and shapes
This building falls under the catagory of angles and shape because of the artitechture of the walls. There is also a little patern from the windows but the walls of the building such as the roof, have somewhat a triangular shape.
This building falls under the catagory of patterns because of the windows. The windows repeat themselves all the way down, because if it wasn't all square windows then it would of showed the whole building.
This building falls under surroundings because you can see where it is located. It is surrounded by other similar buildings according to its structure.
This building falls under the catagory of surroundings because of the background. You can see that the building is surrounding by nature. And it could also be pattern because of how the building is structured.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Architecture Preview
1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)?
Antonio Gaudi
2. When was it built?
3. Where is it located?
Barcelona, Spain
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?
The apartment on the top floor is now a permanent exhibition space and has been furnished in furniture and objects from the period and provides a look at what the residents might have owned. The other unites are still private residences. Higher up inside the building in the attic is a small museum/exhibition space devoted to Gaudi's work called the Espai Gaudi.
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build?
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?
Along Passeig de Gracia, in the ultrafashionable Quadrat d'Or neighborhood of Barcelona stands one of the most unusual examples of the city's architecture - or anywhere else in the world.
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
Because it looks really cool and it looks somewhat like Spain. Also it used to be an apartment place. Also because it's in Barcelona, Spain! :)
1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)?
It was dreamed up by the engineer André Waterkeyn (1917-2005). The spheres, though, were fitted out by the architects André and Jean Polak.
2. When was it built?
3. Where is it located?
Brussels, Belgium
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?
People can visit it. Landmarks/ Points of Interest, Lookouts, Museums.
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build?
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?
One of the original ideas for Expo '58 was to build an upside-down version of the Eiffel tower; however, Waterkeyn felt that an atomic structure would be more symbolic of the era. The monument was originally planned to stand there for six months. However, it became a symbol not only of the World's Fair, but of modern architecture and the city of Brussels and of Belgium. It received monument status and stayed on the former exhibition grounds for over 50 years. It is now one of Brussels' main attractions.
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
I chose this building because it seemed really interesting. I've never seen it before and would like to see in it. But as I read, people said that it wasn't worth it from the view inside. So maybe when I travel I'll go take a look and waste money.
Guggenheim Museum, Spain
1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)?
Architect Philip Johnson called it "the greatest building of our time". The museum's design and construction serve as an object lesson in Gehry's style and method.
2. When was it built?
It was opened to the public in 1997.
3. Where is it located?
Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain. Alongside the Nervion River.
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?
The museum features permanent and visiting exhibits of works by Spanish and international artists.
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build?
The building was constructed on time and budget, which is rare for architecture of this type. In an interview in Harvard Design Magazine, Gehry explained how he did it. First, he ensured that what he calls the "organization of the artist" prevailed during construction, in order to prevent political and business interests from interfering with the design. Second, he made sure he had a detailed and realistic cost estimate before proceeding. Third, he used CATIA and close collaboration with the individual building trades to control costs during construction.
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?
One of the most admired works of contemporary architecture, the building has been hailed as a "single moment in the architectural culture" because it represents "one of those rare moments when critics, academics, and the general public were all completely united about something." The museum was the building most frequently named as one of the most important works completed since 1980 in the 2010 World Architecture Survey among architecture experts.
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
I chose this building because it seemed like a pretty cool. I've never seen buildings like this so it's new to me and catches my attention. Makes me want to visit it. Also the way it's built. How its in water and it's curves makes it interesting to go see in real life. The shapes are different and arn't all the same.
The Ufo House, Taiwan
1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)?
I don't know.
2. When was it built?
Construction of the UFOs began in 1978. Demolition work began on Dec. 29.
3. Where is it located?
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?
Taipei County Public Works Bureau Director Lee Shu-chuan said that construction work on the compound was never finished and the site has been abandoned for nearly 30 years.
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build?
Doesn't say.
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?
They eventually made a deal with the group and decided to tear it down. Hung Kuo and the Taipei County Government will work together to rebuild the site, including the beach front, into a scenic attraction and maybe a resort for tourists.
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
I picked this building because it looked cool and interesting. I guess since like UFO's. I don't know.. aliens? It would of been cool to see these buildings. Although they dont really look like UFOs. But I think it's very rare. Rare but interesting.
Habitat 67, Canada
1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)?
Its design was created by architect Moshe Safdie based on his master's thesis at McGill University and built as part of Expo 67.
2. When was it built?
3. Where is it located?
Located on the Marc-Drouin Quay on the Saint Lawrence River at 2600, Pierre Dupuy Avenue in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?
The project was designed to create affordable housing with close but private quarters, each equipped with a garden. The building was believed to illustrate the new lifestyle people would live in increasingly crowded cities around the world. The complex was originally meant to be vastly larger. Due to its architectural cachet, demand for the building's units has made them more expensive than originally envisioned.
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build?
The building is owned by its tenants, who formed a limited partnership that purchased the building from the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation in 1985.
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?
The building is owned by its tenants, who formed a limited partnership that purchased the building from the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation in 1985.
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
I picked this bulding because it looked like if military would use it. Looks siriouse? It's a pretty cool building. Reminds me of Mario or something like that. Pretty cool building! I like it.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
Warm Up Caption
Ian Loyde chases after his goat Dexter to feed him at the Akins High School FFA program after school on Friday. Loyde fed Dexter hay and water that kept him healthy for the competition.
Lines- the fence in the back lead us to the subject.
Balance- Ian and Dexter balance each other.
Merger- Ian's leg coming out of Dexters butt. And the blue object in the back coming out of Ian's back.
Depth- looks 3-d all the way until the grass.
Lines- the fence in the back lead us to the subject.
Balance- Ian and Dexter balance each other.
Merger- Ian's leg coming out of Dexters butt. And the blue object in the back coming out of Ian's back.
Depth- looks 3-d all the way until the grass.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Caption Writing Practice
1. First sentence includes major information about the photo (who, what, where, when, why, how). You may make up the information for this assignment.
2. First sentence should be written in present tense as if the action of the photo is still happening.
3. Second sentence should be past tense, and should include background information.
4. Information in caption should not be obvious by looking at the photo.
5. If there are three or fewer recognizable people in the photo
Courtney Jackson is excited about the Akins High School tournament. Fans also were excited for the tournament that was against Austin High School.
Sophomore Brandon Watsin shoots for the final winning point at the Akins vs Hays basketball tournament. He made the shot in the last 2 seconds before the game ended and took home the winning trophy.
Mergers because behind is another student and looks like theres something coming out of his back.
Simplicity because there is nothing in the background that distracts the picture.
Focused because the picture focused on the main subject and blocked out the background people.
At Akins High School Gabe Maldonado colors his art painting after class starts. Maldonado concentrated and shaded his painting in red.
Rules of third because he is placed at the edge of the of the photo.
Leading lines. His arm.
Students in Mr. Reeves' chemistry class examine the owl as they carry and write down data about the owl. The owl waited patiently as they carried him and touched him before they set him free.
Leading lines because the hand leads to the owl.
Mergers because the person in the back is interfering with the main subject.
2. First sentence should be written in present tense as if the action of the photo is still happening.
3. Second sentence should be past tense, and should include background information.
4. Information in caption should not be obvious by looking at the photo.
5. If there are three or fewer recognizable people in the photo
Courtney Jackson is excited about the Akins High School tournament. Fans also were excited for the tournament that was against Austin High School.
Sophomore Brandon Watsin shoots for the final winning point at the Akins vs Hays basketball tournament. He made the shot in the last 2 seconds before the game ended and took home the winning trophy.
Mergers because behind is another student and looks like theres something coming out of his back.
Simplicity because there is nothing in the background that distracts the picture.
Focused because the picture focused on the main subject and blocked out the background people.
At Akins High School Gabe Maldonado colors his art painting after class starts. Maldonado concentrated and shaded his painting in red.
Rules of third because he is placed at the edge of the of the photo.
Leading lines. His arm.
Students in Mr. Reeves' chemistry class examine the owl as they carry and write down data about the owl. The owl waited patiently as they carried him and touched him before they set him free.
Leading lines because the hand leads to the owl.
Mergers because the person in the back is interfering with the main subject.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Elements of News
Human Interest
Human Interest
Elements of News - Warm Up
When? April 14
Where? Chicago
What? Elections
Why? Early start
Who? Obama
How? Host his first re-election fundraiser
Where? Chicago
What? Elections
Why? Early start
Who? Obama
How? Host his first re-election fundraiser
Ten Thousands Of Evacuees Can't Head Home For Months
Who? Tens of thousands of evacuated from around Fukushima Daiichi
Who is involved? The people around that place
Who does/did the situation affect? Those people
Who said so? Japanese Minister
What? Cant return home for months
What is happening? The people 12 miles around the radiation can't go home
What did happen? When the radiation turned on fire
What are the consequences? Not going home
What is different about this? It doesn't happen here in Texas
What are the choices? There really isn't much choices. Just to not being able to go home.
When? After the incident in Japan
When did or will this happen? It happened after the Tsunami in Japan
When was this discovered? Right after
Where? Japan
Where did or will this happen? It already is happening
Why? It burned
Why did this happen or will it happen? It already is
How? Being on fire
How did it or will it happen? The radiation effecting people
How much does it cost? Alot
How many people does this affect? Alot
How do you feel about this? Bad because imagine this happening here. Wow.
Who is involved? The people around that place
Who does/did the situation affect? Those people
Who said so? Japanese Minister
What? Cant return home for months
What is happening? The people 12 miles around the radiation can't go home
What did happen? When the radiation turned on fire
What are the consequences? Not going home
What is different about this? It doesn't happen here in Texas
What are the choices? There really isn't much choices. Just to not being able to go home.
When? After the incident in Japan
When did or will this happen? It happened after the Tsunami in Japan
When was this discovered? Right after
Where? Japan
Where did or will this happen? It already is happening
Why? It burned
Why did this happen or will it happen? It already is
How? Being on fire
How did it or will it happen? The radiation effecting people
How much does it cost? Alot
How many people does this affect? Alot
How do you feel about this? Bad because imagine this happening here. Wow.
Velarde Testifies He Recieved HGH Injections From Bonds' Trainer
Who? Randy Velarde
Who is involved? Randy Velarde and Greg Anderson and Barry Bonds
Who does/did the situation affect? Drug dealing
Who said so? Jason Giambi, Jeremy Giambi, Marvin Benard, and Velarde (Witnesses)
What? Drug dealing
What is happening? The use of the injections
What did happen? Bonds and Anderson were meeting up for injections
What are the consequences? Going to jail and getting off the team
What is different about this? Its a different kind of drug. Idk I dont know much about drugs.
What are the choices? Telling the truth about it
When? March 7
When did or will this happen? Around March
When was this discovered? March
Where? Parking lot
Where did or will this happen? Parking lot and court
Why? For what Velarde did
Why did this happen or will it happen? To get more body growth
How? Secretly drug dealing
How did it or will it happen? Going to court
How much does it cost? $500-$800
How many people does this affect? 3
How do you feel about this? Dumb baseball player.. Ruin his career.
Who is involved? Randy Velarde and Greg Anderson and Barry Bonds
Who does/did the situation affect? Drug dealing
Who said so? Jason Giambi, Jeremy Giambi, Marvin Benard, and Velarde (Witnesses)
What? Drug dealing
What is happening? The use of the injections
What did happen? Bonds and Anderson were meeting up for injections
What are the consequences? Going to jail and getting off the team
What is different about this? Its a different kind of drug. Idk I dont know much about drugs.
What are the choices? Telling the truth about it
When? March 7
When did or will this happen? Around March
When was this discovered? March
Where? Parking lot
Where did or will this happen? Parking lot and court
Why? For what Velarde did
Why did this happen or will it happen? To get more body growth
How? Secretly drug dealing
How did it or will it happen? Going to court
How much does it cost? $500-$800
How many people does this affect? 3
How do you feel about this? Dumb baseball player.. Ruin his career.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Austin District Holds Community Budget Forum Tonight
Ausitn District.
Who is involved?
Austin School Disctrict, Parents, Employees, Administrators.
Who does/did the situation affect?
The school and the teachers.
Who said so?
The district.
Cutting jobs.
What is happening?
The forum discuss the district cutting 1,153 jobs to balance $688 million.
What did happen?
We went on low budget.
What are the consequences?
ALOT of teachers loosing their jobs.
What is different about this?
That its something siruose and something that is important and that effects alot of people.
What are the choices?
Getting another job or just waiting to see if you still keep your job.
When did or will this happen?
It happened a while ago and is still going on.
When was this discovered?
Last semester.
In the Austin School District.
Where did or will this happen?
Because their budget was low and need money.
Why did this happen or will it happen?
Not using money wisley..I think. Well its already happening.
Because theres no money and we need it.
How did it or will it happen?
The budget started to go low.
How much does it cost?
$688 million.
How many people does this affect?
It affects alot of people. And their families.
How do you feel about this?
I feel bad because we need the money and with money we could buy more things for the school.
Ausitn District.
Who is involved?
Austin School Disctrict, Parents, Employees, Administrators.
Who does/did the situation affect?
The school and the teachers.
Who said so?
The district.
Cutting jobs.
What is happening?
The forum discuss the district cutting 1,153 jobs to balance $688 million.
What did happen?
We went on low budget.
What are the consequences?
ALOT of teachers loosing their jobs.
What is different about this?
That its something siruose and something that is important and that effects alot of people.
What are the choices?
Getting another job or just waiting to see if you still keep your job.
When did or will this happen?
It happened a while ago and is still going on.
When was this discovered?
Last semester.
In the Austin School District.
Where did or will this happen?
Because their budget was low and need money.
Why did this happen or will it happen?
Not using money wisley..I think. Well its already happening.
Because theres no money and we need it.
How did it or will it happen?
The budget started to go low.
How much does it cost?
$688 million.
How many people does this affect?
It affects alot of people. And their families.
How do you feel about this?
I feel bad because we need the money and with money we could buy more things for the school.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Interviewed Ashley Jennings
1) How does it feel to be student of the month? Explain why you feel like that.
It feels awsome
2) Is this a good experience for you? How is it a good experience?
Yes because I've never been student of the month before.
3) What did you do to deserve this award? Was it worth it?
Studied all night.
4) Is there a certain GPA you have to reach to achieve in being student of the month? What GPA?
5) Was this one of your goals, to recieve in being student of the month? In your list of goals 1-10, where it be?
6) Do you like being student of the month?
7) If yes, why?
It makes me feel smart
8) Did a teacher request you in being student of the month? Which teacher?
Yes, Mrs. Hebrink
9) Do you have to have good grades to become student of the month? How high?
Yes, make all A's.
10) Is this something you really enjoy? Why or why not?
Hell yeah!
11) What did you to achieve this goal? Was it worth it?
Made sure my grades didn't stop.
12) Did you ever think you would become student of the month? Why or why not?
Yeah, because I make good grades.
13) How long did it take to become student of the month? Would you like to become student of the month again?
A month
14) After this month, will you try again to become student of the month? Why?
15) What did you learn, In being student of the month? Explain what.
That anything is possible
16) Who did you thank after you became student of the month? Why did you thank that teacher?
My teachers.
17) Who helped you in achieving this goal? And why that person?
18) Who supported you? How did they support you?
19) Would your friends like to become student of the month too? Why do you think that?
No their stupid.
20) If someone else were to become student of the month, what would you tell them him or her?
Great job!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Student of the Month
Assingment #2
1. Questions
1) How does it feel to be student of the month?
2) Is this a good experience for you?
3) What did you do to deserve this award?
4) Is there a certain GPA you have to reach to achieve in being student of the month?
5) Was this one of your goals, to recieve being student of the month?
6) Do you like being student of the month?
7) If yes, why?
8) Did a teacher request you in being student of the month?
9) Do you have to have good grades to become student of the month?
10) Is this something you really enjoy?
11) What did you do to achieve this goal?
12) Did you ever think you would become student of the month?
13) How long did it take to become student of the month?
14) After this month, will you try again to become student of the month?
15) What did you learn, i being student of the month?
16) Who do you thank after you became student of the month?
17) Who helped you in achieving this goal?
18) Who supported you?
19) Would your friends like to become student of the month too?
20) If someone else were to become student of the month, what would you tell them?
1. Questions
1) How does it feel to be student of the month?
2) Is this a good experience for you?
3) What did you do to deserve this award?
4) Is there a certain GPA you have to reach to achieve in being student of the month?
5) Was this one of your goals, to recieve being student of the month?
6) Do you like being student of the month?
7) If yes, why?
8) Did a teacher request you in being student of the month?
9) Do you have to have good grades to become student of the month?
10) Is this something you really enjoy?
11) What did you do to achieve this goal?
12) Did you ever think you would become student of the month?
13) How long did it take to become student of the month?
14) After this month, will you try again to become student of the month?
15) What did you learn, i being student of the month?
16) Who do you thank after you became student of the month?
17) Who helped you in achieving this goal?
18) Who supported you?
19) Would your friends like to become student of the month too?
20) If someone else were to become student of the month, what would you tell them?
School Uniforms
Assignment #1
1. Sources
Interview the district. Interview the students attending that particular school. Interview the staff at that school.
2. Interview the District
1) Why do you want to create a wide policy of enforching school uniforms?
2) Do you think this is a good idea?
3) Why are you doing it for, is there a specific reason?
4) Do you think there would be better behavior at the school?
5) Have you thought on how it will effect the students?
6) What is the main reason of doing this?
7) Have you had the parents opinon's about this?
8) How about the students' opinion's?
9) Is this happening because of the school budget?
10) If this happens, how long do you think it will last?
11) If it doesn't satisfy the students will you end enforcing uniforms?
12) Will this help the students have a better education?
13) Will it cause less distractions?
14) What do you think of the teacher's opinions?
15) Were they a part of this desicion?
16) If no, why not?
17) If yes, why did they agree on enforcing school uniforms?
18) Is this something that was just planned or something planned for a while now?
19) How much will your school change if this succeeds?
20) Is this something you all, as the district, really want to do?
3. Interview the Students
1) What do you think of the enforcing school uniform conflict?
2) Do you agree with this choice making desicion?
3) Why do you think this is occuring?
4) Do you think it's because of school issues or to help students get better education?
5) Would you be up to wearing a uniform to school?
6) If yes, why?
7) If no, why?
8) What do you think the teachers think of this?
9) As you being a student, what do you think other students think of the enforcing school unifroms?
10) Will this help the students recieve a better education?
11) Do you think it will help you students get less distracted?
12) Were you students part of this decision making?
11) Is this something the school really wants to do, or no?
12) What do your parents think of this?
13) Do you personally like this idea?
14) If yes, why?
15) If no, why?
16) Do you think this will last a short time or a long time?
17) If you dont like the idea of enforcing school uniforms, what are you dealing to do to stop it?
18) Did the students get a say in this?
19) What is one conflict that you think after enforcing school uniforms?
20) What is one thing you dislike about enforcing uniforms?
4. Interview the Teachers
1) What do you think of the enforcing school uniform conflict?
2) Do you agree with this choice?
3) In your opinion, can you tell me why you think this is occuring?
4) Is it because of the budget or another reason?
5) Do you think students wearing a uniform is better than a casual dress?
6) If yes, why?
7) If no, why?
8) What do you think other teachers think of this?
9) Will this help the students recieve a better education?
10) Will it help the students in becoming less distracted in class?
11) Is this something the teacher's are really wanting to do, or no?
12) What do you think the parents think of this conflict?
13) Do you personally like this idea?
14) If yes, why?
15) If no, why?
16) How long do you think this will last?
17) Did the students get a say in this?
18) Did the district get the teacher's opinons in the choice?
19) What is a conflict that might occur after enforcing the uniforms?
20) What is one thing you dislike about the whole conflict?
1. Sources
Interview the district. Interview the students attending that particular school. Interview the staff at that school.
2. Interview the District
1) Why do you want to create a wide policy of enforching school uniforms?
2) Do you think this is a good idea?
3) Why are you doing it for, is there a specific reason?
4) Do you think there would be better behavior at the school?
5) Have you thought on how it will effect the students?
6) What is the main reason of doing this?
7) Have you had the parents opinon's about this?
8) How about the students' opinion's?
9) Is this happening because of the school budget?
10) If this happens, how long do you think it will last?
11) If it doesn't satisfy the students will you end enforcing uniforms?
12) Will this help the students have a better education?
13) Will it cause less distractions?
14) What do you think of the teacher's opinions?
15) Were they a part of this desicion?
16) If no, why not?
17) If yes, why did they agree on enforcing school uniforms?
18) Is this something that was just planned or something planned for a while now?
19) How much will your school change if this succeeds?
20) Is this something you all, as the district, really want to do?
3. Interview the Students
1) What do you think of the enforcing school uniform conflict?
2) Do you agree with this choice making desicion?
3) Why do you think this is occuring?
4) Do you think it's because of school issues or to help students get better education?
5) Would you be up to wearing a uniform to school?
6) If yes, why?
7) If no, why?
8) What do you think the teachers think of this?
9) As you being a student, what do you think other students think of the enforcing school unifroms?
10) Will this help the students recieve a better education?
11) Do you think it will help you students get less distracted?
12) Were you students part of this decision making?
11) Is this something the school really wants to do, or no?
12) What do your parents think of this?
13) Do you personally like this idea?
14) If yes, why?
15) If no, why?
16) Do you think this will last a short time or a long time?
17) If you dont like the idea of enforcing school uniforms, what are you dealing to do to stop it?
18) Did the students get a say in this?
19) What is one conflict that you think after enforcing school uniforms?
20) What is one thing you dislike about enforcing uniforms?
4. Interview the Teachers
1) What do you think of the enforcing school uniform conflict?
2) Do you agree with this choice?
3) In your opinion, can you tell me why you think this is occuring?
4) Is it because of the budget or another reason?
5) Do you think students wearing a uniform is better than a casual dress?
6) If yes, why?
7) If no, why?
8) What do you think other teachers think of this?
9) Will this help the students recieve a better education?
10) Will it help the students in becoming less distracted in class?
11) Is this something the teacher's are really wanting to do, or no?
12) What do you think the parents think of this conflict?
13) Do you personally like this idea?
14) If yes, why?
15) If no, why?
16) How long do you think this will last?
17) Did the students get a say in this?
18) Did the district get the teacher's opinons in the choice?
19) What is a conflict that might occur after enforcing the uniforms?
20) What is one thing you dislike about the whole conflict?
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Sports/Action More Details
Name of photographer - Alyssa Shukar
Things The Judges Didn't Like: All the pictures were of a certain distance and not feeling the love or pain. No strong singles. Uncle sam and lap dance had been pictured better. More optimisim and birghtness would of been better.
Two Things Judges Like: Haiti picture, the man sweeping. The girl that fell over the hurtles because it shows the legs of the other runner. The stair case was a good picture.
What is your overall impression? What did you like or not like?
They were good pictures, they just weren't interesting to me. The pictures were too dark. It needed more light. More smiles? Less depressed people. More action.
What did the judges note as strengths as they were critiquing it?The bow tie was good color. The shadow of the baseball picture was good. Being close to the action was a good thing. The girls basketball picture was good, alot of action with everything.
What do you see as strengths? Do you see any weaknesses?
The strengths were strong. Good focus and good action all the time. I didn't see any weaknesses, neither did the judges.
Briefly describe the process the judges went through in deciding the winner.The judges went through alot of portfolios and went through the pictures to see which ones had good pictures. They looked for alot of action and emotion in the pictures.
1. Describe one photo that you agree with the judges on. Explain why you and the judges do or do not like it.
I agree with the picture with the lady in the air wearing orange. They think it's a good picture but then another judge talks about the car being in the backround. They talk about that it isn't a big deal but he denies it. I think it's a good picture because at first I didn't notice it until the other judge pointed it out.
2. Describe one photo that you do NOT agree with the judges on. Explain why you think the judges are wrong.
I liked the pictures. But I thought they would of chosen other pictures other than what they chose. I would of picked something else. I dont agree that a judge was saying that he would of seen the duck coming. That it was somewhat planned. I don't think it was.
Name of photographer - Alyssa Shukar
Things The Judges Didn't Like: All the pictures were of a certain distance and not feeling the love or pain. No strong singles. Uncle sam and lap dance had been pictured better. More optimisim and birghtness would of been better.
Two Things Judges Like: Haiti picture, the man sweeping. The girl that fell over the hurtles because it shows the legs of the other runner. The stair case was a good picture.
What is your overall impression? What did you like or not like?
They were good pictures, they just weren't interesting to me. The pictures were too dark. It needed more light. More smiles? Less depressed people. More action.
What did the judges note as strengths as they were critiquing it?The bow tie was good color. The shadow of the baseball picture was good. Being close to the action was a good thing. The girls basketball picture was good, alot of action with everything.
What do you see as strengths? Do you see any weaknesses?
The strengths were strong. Good focus and good action all the time. I didn't see any weaknesses, neither did the judges.
Briefly describe the process the judges went through in deciding the winner.The judges went through alot of portfolios and went through the pictures to see which ones had good pictures. They looked for alot of action and emotion in the pictures.
1. Describe one photo that you agree with the judges on. Explain why you and the judges do or do not like it.
I agree with the picture with the lady in the air wearing orange. They think it's a good picture but then another judge talks about the car being in the backround. They talk about that it isn't a big deal but he denies it. I think it's a good picture because at first I didn't notice it until the other judge pointed it out.
2. Describe one photo that you do NOT agree with the judges on. Explain why you think the judges are wrong.
I liked the pictures. But I thought they would of chosen other pictures other than what they chose. I would of picked something else. I dont agree that a judge was saying that he would of seen the duck coming. That it was somewhat planned. I don't think it was.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Touching People
1. I think this project was pretty cool. The people in the picture made it seem as if they were related and not strangers.
2. I would probably first think it was a prank and feel all awkward. But then if it was for a project then maybe I would do it. It also depends on the other person.
3. I would like to go shoot like 2 different animals together. Two that dont get along. The pictures would be bad butt.
4. I think they were just portrait pictures. Just took the picture how ever. But everyone was always centered in the picture. Also alot of posing which made it as portraits.
2. I would probably first think it was a prank and feel all awkward. But then if it was for a project then maybe I would do it. It also depends on the other person.
3. I would like to go shoot like 2 different animals together. Two that dont get along. The pictures would be bad butt.
4. I think they were just portrait pictures. Just took the picture how ever. But everyone was always centered in the picture. Also alot of posing which made it as portraits.
Japanese Earthquake
This picture has emotional sad feelings. Which makes me feel bad for the woman in the picture. The photographer used rule of thirds and focused on the main subject.
This picture makes me sad because of the old man needing help. He probably got injured while the earthquake occured. The photographer used rule of thirds. Balanced the picture with the backround.
This picture makes me sad because of the little girl in the picture. She is probably all alone or something. The photographer used almost backround. Used framing. And the colors around it made the subject stand out because of the bright color she is wearing.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Cool Advertising Idea
I like this one because it looks pretty and cool. I like the chili peppers hanging down they look so real. And the leaves look so real too.
It wouldn't make me buy an AT&T phone because T-Mobile is better and It's just a picture. I don't even know what the "hands" have to do with the pictures.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Happy Akins Building
I chose this picture because the men look happy. And show their pride for Akins High School.
I chose this picture because Mrs. Bagnall presents Akins High School and Is a great teacher! And does well in what she does here at Akins.
I chose this picture because it shows our school and also part of the court yard. And the tree came out cool on the side. Almost being a frame.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Year Book Elements and Notes
1. Alot of Cool Pictures
2. Different Colors
3. Different font types and Sizes
4. Different subjects
5. Different topics of pictures
6. Hard covers
Things that should be in every good year book:
Cover- School name, year, place where the school is located, colors, theme of the year book, volume number.
Theme: Who What When Where Why
Insheets: the theme elements, backround color. table of contents, design, thicker than the other pages, acts as a re enforcement (holds the pages together) also sowed on there.
Backsheet: On the back there's the staff names, theme title, and backround color as the insheets.
Title Page: Mascot name, volume, school name, location of school, number, enrollment of students, webiste, district, principals name
Spread- 2 pages side by side in the year book that work together.
Blank page, pictures of year book makers, stories about the book makers, theme, Index, group pictures of school activities, senior adds, business adds, colophon, editors, staff, 72 adds,
2. Different Colors
3. Different font types and Sizes
4. Different subjects
5. Different topics of pictures
6. Hard covers
Things that should be in every good year book:
Cover- School name, year, place where the school is located, colors, theme of the year book, volume number.
Theme: Who What When Where Why
Insheets: the theme elements, backround color. table of contents, design, thicker than the other pages, acts as a re enforcement (holds the pages together) also sowed on there.
Backsheet: On the back there's the staff names, theme title, and backround color as the insheets.
Title Page: Mascot name, volume, school name, location of school, number, enrollment of students, webiste, district, principals name
Spread- 2 pages side by side in the year book that work together.
Blank page, pictures of year book makers, stories about the book makers, theme, Index, group pictures of school activities, senior adds, business adds, colophon, editors, staff, 72 adds,
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Magazine Cover Notes
Cover Types:
1. Early Magazine Covers
2. The Poster Cover
3. Pictures Married to Type
4. In the Forest of Words
What makes a Forest of Words?
Different font size, different colors, placed in different spots, and different font style. Want to focus on the person on the picture but the words cath your attention-distracting. Sometimes you don't see the full photograph.
What makes Marride to Type?
Less color. Words on one side. Less font types. The text is involved in the picture. Can be a little boring and not as many entry points.
What makes The Poster Cover?
Small words and a picture. The set of words talk about the image. (Smithsonian and Studio Photography & Design Magazine's don't have bar codes...most of the time). Has to be a really really good photo to catch people's attention to buy it.
What makes an Early Magazine Cover?
Had no photo. Mostly paintings and drawings. Big color spots (big areas of color). No date line, no prize, no bar code. Prettty simple. Subject matters were church related, good and evil, etc.
Stuff that should be on my magazing cover:
-Bar code
-Date Line
1. Early Magazine Covers
2. The Poster Cover
3. Pictures Married to Type
4. In the Forest of Words
What makes a Forest of Words?
Different font size, different colors, placed in different spots, and different font style. Want to focus on the person on the picture but the words cath your attention-distracting. Sometimes you don't see the full photograph.
What makes Marride to Type?
Less color. Words on one side. Less font types. The text is involved in the picture. Can be a little boring and not as many entry points.
What makes The Poster Cover?
Small words and a picture. The set of words talk about the image. (Smithsonian and Studio Photography & Design Magazine's don't have bar codes...most of the time). Has to be a really really good photo to catch people's attention to buy it.
What makes an Early Magazine Cover?
Had no photo. Mostly paintings and drawings. Big color spots (big areas of color). No date line, no prize, no bar code. Prettty simple. Subject matters were church related, good and evil, etc.
Stuff that should be on my magazing cover:
-Bar code
-Date Line
Monday, January 24, 2011
Magazine Cover and Catch Up
- Familiar recognition from issue to issue (that’s the brand)
- Emotionally irresistible (that’s the image’s appeal)
- Arousing curiosity (that’s to pull the casual glancer in)
- Intellectually stimulating, interesting (that’s to promise benefits)
- Efficient, fast, easy to scan (that’s showing off the service)
Portrait and Self-Portrait Tips and Ideas
- Use a mirror! It seems so obvious, but how to use mirrors is important, too – take it down from the wall, and experiment!
- Have fun with it. Be sexy. Be yourself. Be awesome. Be different. Be creative. Whatever you do, have fun with it. That’s part of the point, after all.
- Finally, a controversial tip which not everyone will agree with: If you set up the shot and you decide on the lighting and camera position and what you are doing, but get someone else to push the shutter, it’s still a self portrait (the other person is basically acting as your remote control) – so don’t be shy about asking for some help with your self-portraits. As Scott suggested: “I let my young daughter have the shutter release – means it stays random and I’m relaxed!” – brilliant idea!
I chose this picture because just by looking at the portrait you can pretty much read his life story. I also how where he is positioned and show's his bed. If it didn't show a bed we would of probably thought it was just a portrait with things in the backround.
I chose this picture because I think it's a good picture and how everything else came out blurry (the part that isn't the main subject). He also kinda looks 3-D!
Photography Self-Portrait
I like this picture because it's cropped. And it shows enough detail to tell what it is and who it is. It shows his main partys of his face. It makes it a good picture.
I like this picture its cool and the color makes it interesting. He is using the rule of thirds.
Casual Portrait
I like this picture it's casual how you would go and take a picture of yourself when it's for something important. It's of course one of those when someone tells you to tilt your head and what not.
I like this picture because of the backround they used for the portrait. It makes it really pretty too.
I took pictures of me and my friend Stephanie Baquera. I tried making them in different angles and avoiding mergers and bluriness in the pictures. I took pictures outside and in the restroom and out in the hall way to make the subject a good according to the subject.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Welcome Back!!

I like this photo because I like how it shows the love the man shows for the boy. And this year was a good year and I'm glad I have family to spend time with. And it's just a good picture.
I like this picture because Justin has made alot of success on the year 2010. And I know he will too on the year 2011. And I can just look at this picture all day. It's a good picture.
I like this picture it shows dthe tiger in the back spying/hiding from the girraffe to attack it. And then the birds make the picture more interesting how they are formed in the back in the air.

Pray by Justin Bieber
I really liked this song because it actually has meaning to it and other things that are actually happen in real life to us and to people out there. I like this song too because it's sad and makes me think too. Also makes me kind of guilty in some way because when I get mad for something I get isn't the way I wanted it to be, I should be happy for it. Because there's kids out there who don't even have a bed. Makes me think alot too because a while after this song, Tevan L. Nguyen, a close family member, was killed while in Afganistan. And Justin sings about them too.

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
I really liked this movie. And I chose this movie because Im a big fan of the Twilight Sagas. Their really wow and interesting to me...besides the good lookin men in it. I've seen all three now. And I liked this movie because it had a bad ass action seen in it. And it had a little bit of everything. It was cool too. I loved it.

Earthquake in Haiti
I chose this because I thought it was a big part of news when It happened. Everyone was talking about it and still is. It's horrible knowing that things like this actually happen to people. It's reality. Also it's sad to me because there's alot of people without their home out there and Im here sitting at school getting an education and going home to warm bed, when other's arn't. It's was really scary to me when I found out this happened.

Taylor Swift
I think Taylor was a big part of 2010 because she can really sing. Well to me I think she can. And she's really talented and she has big heart when it comes to her music. She sings about boys in her past. Shoot I wish I could sing about boys in my past. But really there wouldn't be that much. Probably only like 3 that really mattered. But she is really awsome and pretty! She also dresses really pretty with her dresses and boots! I love her songs too really good songs.
I will remember when I finally got my credit card! And what I got for Christmas.
Read the bible more and attend church more. Pass my classes and make it to my Junior year :) Oh and learn how to drive!
A new year and a better year every year. Also meet Justin Bieber? Probably never gonna happen but I keep positive.

Pray by Justin Bieber
I really liked this song because it actually has meaning to it and other things that are actually happen in real life to us and to people out there. I like this song too because it's sad and makes me think too. Also makes me kind of guilty in some way because when I get mad for something I get isn't the way I wanted it to be, I should be happy for it. Because there's kids out there who don't even have a bed. Makes me think alot too because a while after this song, Tevan L. Nguyen, a close family member, was killed while in Afganistan. And Justin sings about them too.
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
I really liked this movie. And I chose this movie because Im a big fan of the Twilight Sagas. Their really wow and interesting to me...besides the good lookin men in it. I've seen all three now. And I liked this movie because it had a bad ass action seen in it. And it had a little bit of everything. It was cool too. I loved it.
Earthquake in Haiti
I chose this because I thought it was a big part of news when It happened. Everyone was talking about it and still is. It's horrible knowing that things like this actually happen to people. It's reality. Also it's sad to me because there's alot of people without their home out there and Im here sitting at school getting an education and going home to warm bed, when other's arn't. It's was really scary to me when I found out this happened.
Taylor Swift
I think Taylor was a big part of 2010 because she can really sing. Well to me I think she can. And she's really talented and she has big heart when it comes to her music. She sings about boys in her past. Shoot I wish I could sing about boys in my past. But really there wouldn't be that much. Probably only like 3 that really mattered. But she is really awsome and pretty! She also dresses really pretty with her dresses and boots! I love her songs too really good songs.
I will remember when I finally got my credit card! And what I got for Christmas.
Read the bible more and attend church more. Pass my classes and make it to my Junior year :) Oh and learn how to drive!
A new year and a better year every year. Also meet Justin Bieber? Probably never gonna happen but I keep positive.
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