Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ten Thousands Of Evacuees Can't Head Home For Months

Who? Tens of thousands of evacuated from around Fukushima Daiichi
Who is involved? The people around that place
Who does/did the situation affect? Those people
Who said so? Japanese Minister

What? Cant return home for months
What is happening? The people 12 miles around the radiation can't go home
What did happen? When the radiation turned on fire
What are the consequences? Not going home
What is different about this? It doesn't happen here in Texas
What are the choices? There really isn't much choices. Just to not being able to go home.

When? After the incident in Japan
When did or will this happen? It happened after the Tsunami in Japan
When was this discovered? Right after

Where? Japan
Where did or will this happen? It already is happening

Why? It burned
Why did this happen or will it happen? It already is

How? Being on fire
How did it or will it happen? The radiation effecting people
How much does it cost? Alot
How many people does this affect? Alot
How do you feel about this? Bad because imagine this happening here. Wow.

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