1. First sentence includes major information about the photo (who, what, where, when, why, how). You may make up the information for this assignment.
2. First sentence should be written in present tense as if the action of the photo is still happening.
3. Second sentence should be past tense, and should include background information.
4. Information in caption should not be obvious by looking at the photo.
5. If there are three or fewer recognizable people in the photo
Courtney Jackson is excited about the Akins High School tournament. Fans also were excited for the tournament that was against Austin High School.
Sophomore Brandon Watsin shoots for the final winning point at the Akins vs Hays basketball tournament. He made the shot in the last 2 seconds before the game ended and took home the winning trophy.
Mergers because behind is another student and looks like theres something coming out of his back.
Simplicity because there is nothing in the background that distracts the picture.
Focused because the picture focused on the main subject and blocked out the background people.
At Akins High School Gabe Maldonado colors his art painting after class starts. Maldonado concentrated and shaded his painting in red.
Rules of third because he is placed at the edge of the of the photo.
Leading lines. His arm.
Students in Mr. Reeves' chemistry class examine the owl as they carry and write down data about the owl. The owl waited patiently as they carried him and touched him before they set him free.
Leading lines because the hand leads to the owl.
Mergers because the person in the back is interfering with the main subject.
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