Monday, March 28, 2011

Student of the Month

Assingment #2
1. Questions
1) How does it feel to be student of the month?
2) Is this a good experience for you?
3) What did you do to deserve this award?
4) Is there a certain GPA you have to reach to achieve in being student of the month?
5) Was this one of your goals, to recieve being student of the month?
6) Do you like being student of the month?
7) If yes, why?
8) Did a teacher request you in being student of the month?
9) Do you have to have good grades to become student of the month?
10) Is this something you really enjoy?
11) What did you do to achieve this goal?
12) Did you ever think you would become student of the month?
13) How long did it take to become student of the month?
14) After this month, will you try again to become student of the month?
15) What did you learn, i being student of the month?
16) Who do you thank after you became student of the month?
17) Who helped you in achieving this goal?
18) Who supported you?
19) Would your friends like to become student of the month too?
20) If someone else were to become student of the month, what would you tell them?

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