Assignment #1
1. Sources
Interview the district. Interview the students attending that particular school. Interview the staff at that school.
2. Interview the District
1) Why do you want to create a wide policy of enforching school uniforms?
2) Do you think this is a good idea?
3) Why are you doing it for, is there a specific reason?
4) Do you think there would be better behavior at the school?
5) Have you thought on how it will effect the students?
6) What is the main reason of doing this?
7) Have you had the parents opinon's about this?
8) How about the students' opinion's?
9) Is this happening because of the school budget?
10) If this happens, how long do you think it will last?
11) If it doesn't satisfy the students will you end enforcing uniforms?
12) Will this help the students have a better education?
13) Will it cause less distractions?
14) What do you think of the teacher's opinions?
15) Were they a part of this desicion?
16) If no, why not?
17) If yes, why did they agree on enforcing school uniforms?
18) Is this something that was just planned or something planned for a while now?
19) How much will your school change if this succeeds?
20) Is this something you all, as the district, really want to do?
3. Interview the Students
1) What do you think of the enforcing school uniform conflict?
2) Do you agree with this choice making desicion?
3) Why do you think this is occuring?
4) Do you think it's because of school issues or to help students get better education?
5) Would you be up to wearing a uniform to school?
6) If yes, why?
7) If no, why?
8) What do you think the teachers think of this?
9) As you being a student, what do you think other students think of the enforcing school unifroms?
10) Will this help the students recieve a better education?
11) Do you think it will help you students get less distracted?
12) Were you students part of this decision making?
11) Is this something the school really wants to do, or no?
12) What do your parents think of this?
13) Do you personally like this idea?
14) If yes, why?
15) If no, why?
16) Do you think this will last a short time or a long time?
17) If you dont like the idea of enforcing school uniforms, what are you dealing to do to stop it?
18) Did the students get a say in this?
19) What is one conflict that you think after enforcing school uniforms?
20) What is one thing you dislike about enforcing uniforms?
4. Interview the Teachers
1) What do you think of the enforcing school uniform conflict?
2) Do you agree with this choice?
3) In your opinion, can you tell me why you think this is occuring?
4) Is it because of the budget or another reason?
5) Do you think students wearing a uniform is better than a casual dress?
6) If yes, why?
7) If no, why?
8) What do you think other teachers think of this?
9) Will this help the students recieve a better education?
10) Will it help the students in becoming less distracted in class?
11) Is this something the teacher's are really wanting to do, or no?
12) What do you think the parents think of this conflict?
13) Do you personally like this idea?
14) If yes, why?
15) If no, why?
16) How long do you think this will last?
17) Did the students get a say in this?
18) Did the district get the teacher's opinons in the choice?
19) What is a conflict that might occur after enforcing the uniforms?
20) What is one thing you dislike about the whole conflict?
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