Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Architecture Preview

I think this picture falls under the catagory of  surroundings because as you can see it is located around a road (the moving car lights). As you can see cars drive around it.

Angles and shapes
This building falls under the catagory of angles and shape because of the artitechture of the walls. There is also a little patern from the windows but the walls of the building such as the roof, have somewhat a triangular shape.

This building falls under the catagory of patterns because of the windows. The windows repeat themselves all the way down, because if it wasn't all square windows then it would of showed the whole building.

This building falls under surroundings because you can see where it is located. It is surrounded by other similar buildings according to its structure.

This building falls under the catagory of surroundings because of the background. You can see that the building is surrounding by nature. And it could also be pattern because of how the building is structured.

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