Cover Types:
1. Early Magazine Covers
2. The Poster Cover
3. Pictures Married to Type
4. In the Forest of Words
What makes a Forest of Words?
Different font size, different colors, placed in different spots, and different font style. Want to focus on the person on the picture but the words cath your attention-distracting. Sometimes you don't see the full photograph.
What makes Marride to Type?
Less color. Words on one side. Less font types. The text is involved in the picture. Can be a little boring and not as many entry points.
What makes The Poster Cover?
Small words and a picture. The set of words talk about the image. (Smithsonian and Studio Photography & Design Magazine's don't have bar codes...most of the time). Has to be a really really good photo to catch people's attention to buy it.
What makes an Early Magazine Cover?
Had no photo. Mostly paintings and drawings. Big color spots (big areas of color). No date line, no prize, no bar code. Prettty simple. Subject matters were church related, good and evil, etc.
Stuff that should be on my magazing cover:
-Bar code
-Date Line
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Magazine Cover and Catch Up
- Familiar recognition from issue to issue (that’s the brand)
- Emotionally irresistible (that’s the image’s appeal)
- Arousing curiosity (that’s to pull the casual glancer in)
- Intellectually stimulating, interesting (that’s to promise benefits)
- Efficient, fast, easy to scan (that’s showing off the service)
Portrait and Self-Portrait Tips and Ideas
- Use a mirror! It seems so obvious, but how to use mirrors is important, too – take it down from the wall, and experiment!
- Have fun with it. Be sexy. Be yourself. Be awesome. Be different. Be creative. Whatever you do, have fun with it. That’s part of the point, after all.
- Finally, a controversial tip which not everyone will agree with: If you set up the shot and you decide on the lighting and camera position and what you are doing, but get someone else to push the shutter, it’s still a self portrait (the other person is basically acting as your remote control) – so don’t be shy about asking for some help with your self-portraits. As Scott suggested: “I let my young daughter have the shutter release – means it stays random and I’m relaxed!” – brilliant idea!
I chose this picture because just by looking at the portrait you can pretty much read his life story. I also how where he is positioned and show's his bed. If it didn't show a bed we would of probably thought it was just a portrait with things in the backround.
I chose this picture because I think it's a good picture and how everything else came out blurry (the part that isn't the main subject). He also kinda looks 3-D!
Photography Self-Portrait
I like this picture because it's cropped. And it shows enough detail to tell what it is and who it is. It shows his main partys of his face. It makes it a good picture.
I like this picture its cool and the color makes it interesting. He is using the rule of thirds.
Casual Portrait
I like this picture it's casual how you would go and take a picture of yourself when it's for something important. It's of course one of those when someone tells you to tilt your head and what not.
I like this picture because of the backround they used for the portrait. It makes it really pretty too.
I took pictures of me and my friend Stephanie Baquera. I tried making them in different angles and avoiding mergers and bluriness in the pictures. I took pictures outside and in the restroom and out in the hall way to make the subject a good according to the subject.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Welcome Back!!

I like this photo because I like how it shows the love the man shows for the boy. And this year was a good year and I'm glad I have family to spend time with. And it's just a good picture.
I like this picture because Justin has made alot of success on the year 2010. And I know he will too on the year 2011. And I can just look at this picture all day. It's a good picture.
I like this picture it shows dthe tiger in the back spying/hiding from the girraffe to attack it. And then the birds make the picture more interesting how they are formed in the back in the air.

Pray by Justin Bieber
I really liked this song because it actually has meaning to it and other things that are actually happen in real life to us and to people out there. I like this song too because it's sad and makes me think too. Also makes me kind of guilty in some way because when I get mad for something I get isn't the way I wanted it to be, I should be happy for it. Because there's kids out there who don't even have a bed. Makes me think alot too because a while after this song, Tevan L. Nguyen, a close family member, was killed while in Afganistan. And Justin sings about them too.

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
I really liked this movie. And I chose this movie because Im a big fan of the Twilight Sagas. Their really wow and interesting to me...besides the good lookin men in it. I've seen all three now. And I liked this movie because it had a bad ass action seen in it. And it had a little bit of everything. It was cool too. I loved it.

Earthquake in Haiti
I chose this because I thought it was a big part of news when It happened. Everyone was talking about it and still is. It's horrible knowing that things like this actually happen to people. It's reality. Also it's sad to me because there's alot of people without their home out there and Im here sitting at school getting an education and going home to warm bed, when other's arn't. It's was really scary to me when I found out this happened.

Taylor Swift
I think Taylor was a big part of 2010 because she can really sing. Well to me I think she can. And she's really talented and she has big heart when it comes to her music. She sings about boys in her past. Shoot I wish I could sing about boys in my past. But really there wouldn't be that much. Probably only like 3 that really mattered. But she is really awsome and pretty! She also dresses really pretty with her dresses and boots! I love her songs too really good songs.
I will remember when I finally got my credit card! And what I got for Christmas.
Read the bible more and attend church more. Pass my classes and make it to my Junior year :) Oh and learn how to drive!
A new year and a better year every year. Also meet Justin Bieber? Probably never gonna happen but I keep positive.

Pray by Justin Bieber
I really liked this song because it actually has meaning to it and other things that are actually happen in real life to us and to people out there. I like this song too because it's sad and makes me think too. Also makes me kind of guilty in some way because when I get mad for something I get isn't the way I wanted it to be, I should be happy for it. Because there's kids out there who don't even have a bed. Makes me think alot too because a while after this song, Tevan L. Nguyen, a close family member, was killed while in Afganistan. And Justin sings about them too.
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
I really liked this movie. And I chose this movie because Im a big fan of the Twilight Sagas. Their really wow and interesting to me...besides the good lookin men in it. I've seen all three now. And I liked this movie because it had a bad ass action seen in it. And it had a little bit of everything. It was cool too. I loved it.
Earthquake in Haiti
I chose this because I thought it was a big part of news when It happened. Everyone was talking about it and still is. It's horrible knowing that things like this actually happen to people. It's reality. Also it's sad to me because there's alot of people without their home out there and Im here sitting at school getting an education and going home to warm bed, when other's arn't. It's was really scary to me when I found out this happened.
Taylor Swift
I think Taylor was a big part of 2010 because she can really sing. Well to me I think she can. And she's really talented and she has big heart when it comes to her music. She sings about boys in her past. Shoot I wish I could sing about boys in my past. But really there wouldn't be that much. Probably only like 3 that really mattered. But she is really awsome and pretty! She also dresses really pretty with her dresses and boots! I love her songs too really good songs.
I will remember when I finally got my credit card! And what I got for Christmas.
Read the bible more and attend church more. Pass my classes and make it to my Junior year :) Oh and learn how to drive!
A new year and a better year every year. Also meet Justin Bieber? Probably never gonna happen but I keep positive.
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