Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Iraq Slideshow (extra credit)

This photographer used the rule of Simplicity. It made this picture excellent because it shows the emotion and feeling the man probably feels. And since he is a "Fallen Soilder" then it shows the emotion also by the color the photographer used.
I personaly liked this picture because the man is wounded and like it shows his pain. And I just like it because how it was tooken and it catches my attention.

The photographer used the "Rule Of Thirds" because of where the truck and soilder are located. It made this picture excellent because it shows how focused soilders can be when it comes to something seriouse.
I personaly liked this picture because the calm of the soilder makes the picture soothing. And it's cropped to make the picture look better than it was before.

Ps. You miss spelled Justin BIEBER's last name on the "Advanced Photo Composition".

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