I liked my photographers pictures because it includes people in it and they always seem to be doing something. And it's interesting to me because I like when pictures are tooken caught off guard and turn out to be really good pictures. I also like how they are always black and white. Also how the pictures seem to be pictures from back then.
- I see two shy young boys wearing dirty clothes, they are probably working for their parents. I also see windows and logs. If maybe I would of took a clearer shot of both pictures I could probably actuatlly tell what is in the shelves and if thats really a train track.
- I smell dirt and the smell of a factory. I can smell the fresh scent of the trees in the backround. I also smell the fresh scent of freshly new cut logs and the smell of how the two young boys smell.
- I hear men yelling in the backround due to the work around them. I can hear the train coming and the vibration on the rail as it makes its way towards the boy. I can hear the echos in the first picture of people talking bouncing of the walls and making its way towards me as I take the picture.
- I can taste the smoke coming from the factory. And the taste of the cut logs. I taste the scents coming from the pictures. The taste of the first and second pictures arn't good tastes at all.
- I can feel the shyness coming from both of the pictures. And the pain they both probably feel working at such a young age. I can feel the vibrations of the people probably speaking in the backround and of the things going on around them.
I would like to make posters and post them at librarys so the world can see the amazing pictures Lewis Hine took. Also power points so that Photojournalism teachers can show their students what kind of pictures he took, different from other photographers. A blog would be nice but people wouldn't want to look up someone on the internet, there is better things to do (Facebook). But maybe if it was a school assingment then people would actutally have too, and from there they can learn about this person, Lewis Hine.
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