Friday, October 29, 2010

American Soldier Slideshow and Captions

A) I think this is the most powerful image because I like how the picture was tooken. And once you have read the captions for every picture tooken from all the sequences of the photos you understand how he feels and what he goes through as he is in the Army. You can see his happiness and the sadness at the same time. The color in the picture gives it a good feeling too.

B) I think the sequence of photos "Coming Home" is the most powerful sequence of photos because it shows how he is ready to come home. And how he has actually made the right desicions for himself. Also the people who were there for him for when he felt down and whatnot.

C) The images worked good together to make Ian Fisher's story of his life in the army. Shows how and what things happened in order. Also shows his life as being a soldier for the army and how he felt as he completed his missions.


A) The captions in which Ian was the main subject were mainly present tense.

B) It makes the pictures more interesting and dramatic.


Ian and Buddah share a cigarette while Ian's father cleans the table for a good bye dinner before Ian leaves for the army.

Sanchez and Ian play a game of sticks while waiting for their flight towards Iraq.

Ian and Buddah hug and tear up while saying good bye before Ian leaves again for his mission for Iraq.


A) The video enhaces the pictures way better because it has the people in the story actutally talking. And actutally telling their opinons instead of oberving of what is going on in the pictures.

B) Videos are better in photographs because it actutally shows what is going on in the pictures and the tone of the persons attitude in the picture.

C) Photos are better than pictures in some ways because the picture without sound makes the picture interesing and makes you think what is actutally going on in the picture.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Iraq Slideshow (extra credit)

This photographer used the rule of Simplicity. It made this picture excellent because it shows the emotion and feeling the man probably feels. And since he is a "Fallen Soilder" then it shows the emotion also by the color the photographer used.
I personaly liked this picture because the man is wounded and like it shows his pain. And I just like it because how it was tooken and it catches my attention.

The photographer used the "Rule Of Thirds" because of where the truck and soilder are located. It made this picture excellent because it shows how focused soilders can be when it comes to something seriouse.
I personaly liked this picture because the calm of the soilder makes the picture soothing. And it's cropped to make the picture look better than it was before.

Ps. You miss spelled Justin BIEBER's last name on the "Advanced Photo Composition".

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Funny Captions- Learning How To Do It Right

Mattie angry because she didn't get her way of watching Dora. She couldn't because it was her nap time.

Roger and Lily the kittens had a long day so decided to have a sleep over. Cat's can still have fun like we humans do.

Bob gives Snow, coco ice cream because Snow was hungtry and ran out of food. Ice cream is good for cats because it has milk in it.

I don't know how to make stuff funny so I left it like this. Oh wells. I think these pictures are cute, not funny.
-Justin Bieber Fan

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Marlboro Marine

A) He had to go through the war with Blake Miller; take pictures while the war was going on.
Also by helping Miller through his life while he was having suicidal thoughts. It also shows how Miller struggled to heal his scars of war and how Luis Sinco tried to get him help. While this was happening Luis took pictures of how it exactly happened. Pictures of the time the things were going on.

B) I think the pictures were edited by making the pictures darker to make them emotional. Close up to make them more interesting. Blurred to make point of what Sinco really wanted the attention to. Took pictures of dead peole to make it intense. Too see how the war really is.


A) The most powerful picture in the slide show is the picture of Blake Miller (the picture on top). Because it shows the scars and pain Miller felt while he was going through the war. It also shows a connection between Miller and Sinceo as Miller struggles to adapt to life back home in the U.S. While Since documents the devestating ways a man's life can be changed forever.

B) The most powerful sequence of pictures are the ones with dead people in them. It shows the intense feelings that the marines probably feel when they see somebody dead. Or the feeling of how it might feel when you killed someone.

C) The talking and music while the pictures show tells more of what the pictures are about. Makes it more interesting and also shows how every picture has its story.

D) The pictures work together to tell a story by going in the order they happened. Sort of like a memory. Someone tells the story and add pictures to actutally understand the story.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Show and Tell

I find this picture interesting because it makes me wonder who in the family died. And shows her pain she has. She sadly kneels down to show her love for whom past away. The black and white makes the picture even more emotional. An how she is an older women it makes it more sadder.

<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="270" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed>

I like this video because it shows what can happen when a hurrican occurs somewhere. Shows how people suffer from all there personal belongings getting destroyed. Its interesting because I sometimes wonder, what if it happened here? I would probably go crazy or something. But it shows what can happen and to be prepared because the unexpected can happen anytime.

Contest Preview

Self Portrait Contest

Since all the attention goes to the disco ball and the young man it makes the picture powerful. Makes the picture as simplicity but on two things. It has good lighting on his his face which comes from the disco ball. I like how the disco ball is cought in motion and the young mans eyes are focused on the disco ball. So that means there is action going on while the picture was tooken. It catches my attention since its black and white.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Great Black and White Photographers Part 3

I liked my photographers pictures because it includes people in it and they always seem to be doing something. And it's interesting to me because I like when pictures are tooken caught off guard and turn out to be really good pictures. I also like how they are always black and white. Also how the pictures seem to be pictures from back then.

  • I see two shy young boys wearing dirty clothes, they are probably working for their parents. I also see windows and logs. If maybe I would of took a clearer shot of both pictures I could probably actuatlly tell what is in the shelves and if thats really a train track.
  • I smell dirt and the smell of a factory. I can smell the fresh scent of the trees in the backround. I also smell the fresh scent of freshly new cut logs and the smell of how the two young boys smell.
  • I hear men yelling in the backround due to the work around them. I can hear the train coming and the vibration on the rail as it makes its way towards the boy. I can hear the echos in the first picture of people talking bouncing of the walls and making its way towards me as I take the picture.
  • I can taste the smoke coming from the factory. And the taste of the cut logs. I taste the scents coming from the pictures. The taste of the first and second pictures arn't good tastes at all.
  • I can feel the shyness coming from both of the pictures. And the pain they both probably feel working at such a young age. I can feel the vibrations of the people probably speaking in the backround and of the things going on around them.

I would like to make posters and post them at librarys so the world can see the amazing  pictures Lewis Hine took. Also power points so that Photojournalism teachers can show their students what kind of pictures he took, different from other photographers. A blog would be nice but people wouldn't want to look up someone on the internet, there is better things to do (Facebook). But maybe if it was a school assingment then people would actutally have too, and from there they can learn about this person, Lewis Hine.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Academics Preview

"The Story"
How they look like when they are performing for an audience, I think the story was that they were probably performing a sad song. So the photographer took it at a view where it shows how the body reacts to what is going on with the song.

"Action and Emotion"
I think the little girl is lost so the young man is going to help her get to where she wants to be. I think this picture shows the sympathy that the man feels for the little girl so he is about to pick her up and take her to her parents.

"Filling the Frame"
This picture "fills the frame" by all the objects and art crafts he has around him. The reflection of himself on the mirror also fills in the picture. The colors surrounding him make the picture not boring, it makes it more interesting and makes people want to look at it and see what surrounds the picture.