Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Interviewed Ashley Jennings

1) How does it feel to be student of the month? Explain why you feel like that.
It feels awsome

2) Is this a good experience for you? How is it a good experience?
Yes because I've never been student of the month before.

3) What did you do to deserve this award? Was it worth it?
Studied all night.

4) Is there a certain GPA you have to reach to achieve in being student of the month? What GPA?

5) Was this one of your goals, to recieve in being student of the month? In your list of goals 1-10, where it be?

6) Do you like being student of the month?

7) If yes, why?
It makes me feel smart

8) Did a teacher request you in being student of the month? Which teacher?
Yes, Mrs. Hebrink

9) Do you have to have good grades to become student of the month? How high?
Yes, make all A's.

10) Is this something you really enjoy? Why or why not?
Hell yeah!

11) What did you to achieve this goal? Was it worth it?
Made sure my grades didn't stop.

12) Did you ever think you would become student of the month? Why or why not?
Yeah, because I make good grades.

13) How long did it take to become student of the month? Would you like to become student of the month again?
A month

14) After this month, will you try again to become student of the month? Why?

15) What did you learn, In being student of the month? Explain what.
That anything is possible

16) Who did you thank after you became student of the month? Why did you thank that teacher?
My teachers.

17) Who helped you in achieving this goal? And why that person?

18) Who supported you? How did they support you?

19) Would your friends like to become student of the month too? Why do you think that?
No their stupid.

20) If someone else were to become student of the month, what would you tell them him or her?
Great job!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Student of the Month

Assingment #2
1. Questions
1) How does it feel to be student of the month?
2) Is this a good experience for you?
3) What did you do to deserve this award?
4) Is there a certain GPA you have to reach to achieve in being student of the month?
5) Was this one of your goals, to recieve being student of the month?
6) Do you like being student of the month?
7) If yes, why?
8) Did a teacher request you in being student of the month?
9) Do you have to have good grades to become student of the month?
10) Is this something you really enjoy?
11) What did you do to achieve this goal?
12) Did you ever think you would become student of the month?
13) How long did it take to become student of the month?
14) After this month, will you try again to become student of the month?
15) What did you learn, i being student of the month?
16) Who do you thank after you became student of the month?
17) Who helped you in achieving this goal?
18) Who supported you?
19) Would your friends like to become student of the month too?
20) If someone else were to become student of the month, what would you tell them?

School Uniforms

Assignment #1
1. Sources
Interview the district. Interview the students attending that particular school. Interview the staff at that school.
2. Interview the District
1) Why do you want to create a wide policy of enforching school uniforms?
2) Do you think this is a good idea?
3) Why are you doing it for, is there a specific reason?
4) Do you think there would be better behavior at the school?
5) Have you thought on how it will effect the students?
6) What is the main reason of doing this?
7) Have you had the parents opinon's about this?
8) How about the students' opinion's?
9) Is this happening because of the school budget?
10) If this happens, how long do you think it will last?
11) If it doesn't satisfy the students will you end enforcing uniforms?
12) Will this help the students have a better education?
13) Will it cause less distractions?
14) What do you think of the teacher's opinions?
15) Were they a part of this desicion?
16) If no, why not?
17) If yes, why did they agree on enforcing school uniforms?
18) Is this something that was just planned or something planned for a while now?
19) How much will your school change if this succeeds?
20) Is this something you all, as the district, really want to do?

3. Interview the Students
1) What do you think of the enforcing school uniform conflict?
2) Do you agree with this choice making desicion?
3) Why do you think this is occuring?
4) Do you think it's because of school issues or to help students get better education?
5) Would you be up to wearing a uniform to school?
6) If yes, why?
7) If no, why?
8) What do you think the teachers think of this?
9) As you being a student, what do you think other students think of the enforcing school unifroms?
10) Will this help the students recieve a better education?
11) Do you think it will help you students get less distracted?
12) Were you students part of this decision making?
11) Is this something the school really wants to do, or no?
12) What do your parents think of this?
13) Do you personally like this idea?
14) If yes, why?
15) If no, why?
16) Do you think this will last a short time or a long time?
17) If you dont like the idea of enforcing school uniforms, what are you dealing to do to stop it?
18) Did the students get a say in this?
19) What is one conflict that you think after enforcing school uniforms?
20) What is one thing you dislike about enforcing uniforms?

4. Interview the Teachers
1) What do you think of the enforcing school uniform conflict?
2) Do you agree with this choice?
3) In your opinion, can you tell me why you think this is occuring?
4) Is it because of the budget or another reason?
5) Do you think students wearing a uniform is better than a casual dress?
6) If yes, why?
7) If no, why?
8) What do you think other teachers think of this?
9) Will this help the students recieve a better education?
10) Will it help the students in becoming less distracted in class?
11) Is this something the teacher's are really wanting to do, or no?
12) What do you think the parents think of this conflict?
13) Do you personally like this idea?
14) If yes, why?
15) If no, why?
16) How long do you think this will last?
17) Did the students get a say in this?
18) Did the district get the teacher's opinons in the choice?
19) What is a conflict that might occur after enforcing the uniforms?
20) What is one thing you dislike about the whole conflict?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sports/Action More Details

Name of photographer - Alyssa Shukar
Things The Judges Didn't Like: All the pictures were of a certain distance and not feeling the love or pain. No strong singles. Uncle sam and lap dance had been pictured better. More optimisim and birghtness would of been better.
Two Things Judges Like: Haiti picture, the man sweeping. The girl that fell over the hurtles because it shows the legs of the other runner. The stair case was a good picture.

What is your overall impression? What did you like or not like?
They were good pictures, they just weren't interesting to me. The pictures were too dark. It needed more light. More smiles? Less depressed people. More action.

What did the judges note as strengths as they were critiquing it?The bow tie was good color. The shadow of the baseball picture was good. Being close to the action was a good thing. The girls basketball picture was good, alot of action with everything.

What do you see as strengths? Do you see any weaknesses?
The strengths were strong. Good focus and good action all the time. I didn't see any weaknesses, neither did the judges.

Briefly describe the process the judges went through in deciding the winner.The judges went through alot of portfolios and went through the pictures to see which ones had good pictures. They looked for alot of action and emotion in the pictures.

1. Describe one photo that you agree with the judges on. Explain why you and the judges do or do not like it.
I agree with the picture with the lady in the air wearing orange. They think it's a good picture but then another judge talks about the car being in the backround. They talk about that it isn't a big deal but he denies it. I think it's a good picture because at first I didn't notice it until the other judge pointed it out.

2. Describe one photo that you do NOT agree with the judges on. Explain why you think the judges are wrong.
I liked the pictures. But I thought they would of chosen other pictures other than what they chose. I would of picked something else. I dont agree that a judge was saying that he would of seen the duck coming. That it was somewhat planned. I don't think it was.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Touching People

1. I think this project was pretty cool. The people in the picture made it seem as if they were related and not strangers.
2. I would probably first think it was a prank and feel all awkward. But then if it was for a project then maybe I would do it. It also depends on the other person.
3. I would like to go shoot like 2 different animals together. Two that dont get along. The pictures would be bad butt.
4. I think they were just portrait pictures. Just took the picture how ever. But everyone was always centered in the picture. Also alot of posing which made it as portraits.

Japanese Earthquake

This picture has emotional sad feelings. Which makes me feel bad for the woman in the picture. The photographer used rule of thirds and focused on the main subject.

This picture makes me sad because of the old man needing help. He probably got injured while the earthquake occured. The photographer used rule of thirds. Balanced the picture with the backround.

This picture makes me sad because of the little girl in the picture. She is probably all alone or something. The photographer used almost backround. Used framing. And the colors around it made the subject stand out because of the bright color she is wearing.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Cool Advertising Idea

The Creative AT&T Advertisements

I like this one because it looks pretty and cool. I like the chili peppers hanging down they look so real. And the leaves look so real too.
It wouldn't make me buy an AT&T phone because T-Mobile is better and It's just a picture. I don't even know what the "hands" have to do with the pictures.